Noodles Rice

1. 潮式海鮮(蜆蠔)泡飯 Seafood (Clam, oyster) with Rice Chiu Chow Style 14.00
2. 干燒伊麵 Braised E-Fu Noodle 9.00
3. 楊州窩麵 Noodle in Chicken Broth with Assorted Meats 13.00
4. 星洲炒米 Pan-fried Rice Noodles Singapore Style 9.00
5. 楊州炒飯 Yeung Chow Fried Rice 9.00
6. 海皇炒麵 House Special Pan-fried Noodle 13.00
7. 蝦球炒麵 Prawn Pan-fried Noodle 13.00
8. 干炒牛河 Beef Chow Fun (Dry) 10.00
9. 生炒牛鬆飯 Minced Beef Fried Rice with Lettuce 13.00
10. 蛋白堯柱炒飯 Fried Rice with Dried Scallop and Egg White 14.00
11. 富豪炒飯 House Special Fried Rice with Egg White 14 .00
12. 特式荷香炒飯 Special Fried Rice Wrapped in Lotus Leaves 18.00
(Prices Subject to Change)